Now as I see others struggling with same issues if going by status messages that go up on Sunday, then I realize I wasn't alone. So thought to share a few tips to beating Monday blues if you are one of those plagued by it.
I set out by asking a few people in my network their thoughts on this and one poignant pattern emerged. The more successful the person was, the less likely they were to hate Mondays. The people who worked for themselves, were entrepreneurs or did jobs very closely related to their passion were almost never worried about Monday. I observed also there was a direct relationship between fatigue and blues. Another group of people dreaded first day of the week if they didn't get a chance to rest well over the weekend.
1. Change your mindset. A job is not a chore but a means to an end. Most people are working an 8 to 5 paid job not because it is their ultimate goal but because they need a way to raise capital for that dream. So put up a picture of your ultimate goal or dream somewhere visible and once that dread comes, focus on it to remind yourself why you are doing this. It may be to be able to afford that nice home with the fancy car in prime location, to start a business or passion or to send your kids to Ivy league schools better schools. Whatever it is, hold on to it tight as your motivating factor to look forward to Monday.
2. Take control: confront your dread. I found that doing some work even if it's just reading new mails that came in over the weekend helped me feel more in control. The best way to overcome something is to face it heads on.
3. Plan your wardrobe: there is no more effective pick me up than planning what you want to wear. You don't have to be in the entertainment sector or a celebrity to look drop dead gorgeous. Maybe Monday is that day to rock your hot red pumps with that LBD you were saving for a big meeting. If we are all actors in life and the word Is our stage , then the Your office is your stage for those working . Imagine yourself you the main act and so the show must go on. My instant pick me up is a crisp white shirt. With that, I can take on anything.
4. Plan to inspire: there is someone somewhere who is counting on your expertise, knowledge, confidence and creativity to get through the day so get up and show up with your Game face on.
5. Make your office fun. If you have your own office space , put little things that will give you a sense of home. Now most people have to put up with boring open plan offices but You can put a picture of your ideal office or favorite destination in your work space or screen saver to cheer you up.
6. Exercise: Motion and emotion are very closely linked. There is no way you can be down after a good run or work out. Exercise gets your blood pumping and adrenalin rushing to give you the kick to face the day.
7. Positive: speak into your day, surround yourself with cheerful people if you can. If I am feeling blue, I gather my team for a motivational session. I find that if I Inspire others, it overflows back to me. Crake a joke, have a laugh.
If you haven't beat the blues after all these, then imagine a Monday when you have no job and everyone else is out and about doing their business. That should be enough to get you cracking !