I was going through mails looking for old pics and saw the very first mail my mum sent i and my sister after she learnt how to use a PC. It brought tears to my eyes again and so I share it....
Hello my Dear Daughters,
How are you girls doing? I hope great.
I know that right now all of you are busy at one stage in your lives or the other... either with your careers!, school!, travel!, relationships?,etc.
I just took out this time to let you know that i'm so so proud of you girls! You have been a source of Joy in our lives from the day you were born.
You girls have always been Shinning Stars, Princesses, Rare Gems, ROYALTY!
At times, I try to think to think of a time when either of you has caused your dad and i trouble or pain......................but you know what? That is like searching for a needle in a haystack! Not 1 memory of such!
I'm proud of you my Angels, I know that God would bless you with Men that would wake up every morning, thanking God that they have you for their wives! Men that would love you for who you are! Men that would see the most annoying things/flaws in you (if any) and love you for those same reasons, men that would be great husbands, wonderful fathers, lovely brother in-laws caring son in-laws super uncles etc! God fearing, wealthy decent, good looking men.
My darling daughters, just watch and see! Its a principle of life! It has no choice but to happen! Because "whatsoever you sow, that shall you reap". You have sown goodness into life, and from life you shall reap goodness and greatness.
I'm content as a mother, because I have fulfilled the scriptures "train up a child the way she should go and when she is old, she would not depart from it", and you, my daughters, have also fulfilled your part of the scriptures.........
I love you all,
With love,
Mom love
Venting To Bring Change,One Issue at a time. Walking in the inheritance of God the King. Passionate about Nigeria
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Worry to weariness.
I am worried about something. I never used to be worried about not being married for Jesus said i should not be anxious about anything but make my request known to GOD and that peace that surpasses all human understanding will trancede my heart and mind plus I actually do enjoy being single but lately i have become worried about not being worried that i am still single and somehow have now managed to get myself worked up about the whole thing.
Now what's a girl to do?I can't ask myself to marry me, i can't caox or strategize into marriage and i sure cannot trap anyone into marriage with me so that leaves me with one option?Wait upon the Lord. Most people say even when waiting i should be more proactive about it but how?
Go out more ...somehow i am one of those girls who guys never walk up to ask out..someone said i looked very unapproachable and it does not help i have a very expressive face so i wear all my emotions and thoughts on my face. Besides, there's hardly anywhere for christians to hang out here and it's like one big recycle bin , the usual suspects up to the same old thing..what a drag!
Keep an open mind- then i start getting innundated with phone calls at all times of day and night which really irritates me to a point of snapping
In church-Let's not even go there.Between being busy on sundays and being in leadership, smehow that combination deters any potentials
At work- pls read a previous post 'where art all the fine guys' and know there is no hope there.
Through friends-that one is story for another day
So what's a girl to do then? I honestly dk.
Now what's a girl to do?I can't ask myself to marry me, i can't caox or strategize into marriage and i sure cannot trap anyone into marriage with me so that leaves me with one option?Wait upon the Lord. Most people say even when waiting i should be more proactive about it but how?
Go out more ...somehow i am one of those girls who guys never walk up to ask out..someone said i looked very unapproachable and it does not help i have a very expressive face so i wear all my emotions and thoughts on my face. Besides, there's hardly anywhere for christians to hang out here and it's like one big recycle bin , the usual suspects up to the same old thing..what a drag!
Keep an open mind- then i start getting innundated with phone calls at all times of day and night which really irritates me to a point of snapping
In church-Let's not even go there.Between being busy on sundays and being in leadership, smehow that combination deters any potentials
At work- pls read a previous post 'where art all the fine guys' and know there is no hope there.
Through friends-that one is story for another day
So what's a girl to do then? I honestly dk.
Friday, July 25, 2008

Of course God created the whole world and all that is within it. Those people who doubt should have stopped to think there is an intelligent design behind the make up of the human body that could not have been formed by any big bang theory.
Col 1:15-17 says “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.For by him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth , visible and invisible,whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;all things were created by him and for him.He is before all things,and in him all things HOLD TOGETHER. ”
Watch the video and never doubt that God is our creator. I sure was wowed by this.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Facebook or Intrusion
Why do people send you friend requests when they were never really your friend?
Why do people on FB make silly and dry comments on your profile?
Why do people poke you on FB?
Why do people send you all sorts of requests, invitations etc
Why do people post weird status updates on their profile?
Why do people ssuggest their own friends to you like you don't know people who are your friends or how to find them if you really wanted to?
Why on earth would someone's first comment to you after not seeing or hearing from you in at least be 10 years be "so you are not married yet"?
Why would someone send you a friend invite if they have to reintroduce themselves to you?
Why Why Why?
Why do people on FB make silly and dry comments on your profile?
Why do people poke you on FB?
Why do people send you all sorts of requests, invitations etc
Why do people post weird status updates on their profile?
Why do people ssuggest their own friends to you like you don't know people who are your friends or how to find them if you really wanted to?
Why on earth would someone's first comment to you after not seeing or hearing from you in at least be 10 years be "so you are not married yet"?
Why would someone send you a friend invite if they have to reintroduce themselves to you?
Why Why Why?
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