Venting To Bring Change,One Issue at a time. Walking in the inheritance of God the King. Passionate about Nigeria
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Eye candy
My friend "N" works in an office where there is no strict dress code. So while the others go around dressed like they are doing Saturday house work, she puts on a fashion show for them....lets not forget she's smart, hardworking and focused through all of this.
My point is we all know when we are eye candy and trust me..everyone loves it(even spiros).Some of us try to be modest about it and pretend like we don't see the admiring glances from both sexes while some like my sister wants you to recognise.
One day i wore this black dress i got from my girl N.I had multiple meetings and an open day of a new company who has just started operations in Lagos and i was supposed to represent my company as one of their major clients.You should have seen the drama. Every guy i meet that day either opened my car door, pulled my seat out or did something that was just totally out of character for a naija man.It was hilarious.I couldn't stop laughing at the effect i had.
So till next time, go and be eye candy for the day..It just might cheer up someone's day seeing you or having something to admire. ...if u get me....wink wink!oh and my favourite shop.....Zara any day and see the online shop starting in 3 days at
Monday, October 22, 2007
Potential yawa in-waiting-intro
I will gist you about this later this week.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Fridays and sickies
Before you think to try this next week, remember proverbs says a little sleep, a little slumber, a lifetime of poverty.
See ya later and remember God loves you everyday.
9ja men n Mojo
Case one: i met this guy who was chasing me..let's call him ....K.So one day he calls and i complained about having backache.After showing all the required concern etc,the next few days he calls me every few hours to ask about my back. He now decides that his concern was not enough and that he would send me a physiotherapist to come check my back out. I thought he was just mouthing until i get a call from the physio, Dr James asking when he could see my back. We book a session for Sunday and he arrives at the house with all his work tool...gels, creams, massage oils, electrodes, infrared lights etc.2 hour session fussing over a back that didn't merit all the attention but i was not complaining.
Or take, Mr.Mojo himself who said he we should go to a private beach.He comes to pick me with a picnic bag containing red wine,yogurt, chocolates, cookies,cupcake , gum but to mention.We go off to this quiet beach where we were the only ones .White sand, a few palm trees scattered about and this tree trunk lying near the shoreline. ...need i say we choose that as the spot to sit and talk .But then the foolishness, we sat backing the ocean cos of the spray from the waves and next thing i knew, we were covered from head to toe in salty water.Apparently a wave had gone overboard and came right to us spilling all our food, phones, camera etc. We were covered in sand and had to keep running up and down retrieving our items lest they got washed out sea.Trust me...he seemed glad that happened cos now it gives us funny memories to talk about.
Or take Mr. Moneymissroad who decided to hop on a plane and escort me out to my destination just for a chance to gist and no..he had no business in that town and just chartered a cab to another town when he couldn't get a return flight back to Lagos on arrival.
So give me a naija toaster anyday...they sure got mojo. Any mojo gist out there ladies? Share please.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Marion Jones and TGH

It is with great shock and sadness that I watched the live confession Marion Jones , one of the greatest female artists of this century admit to taking drugs between 2000 and 2001. The 31 year old who won 5 medals at the Sydney Olympic-3 golds and 2 bronzes has had to return all of them to the Olympic committee. She admitted to receiving the drugs from San Francisco BALCO laboratory who has been involved in the scandal for apparently producing this designer drug tetrahydrogestrinone (TGH) or popularly called the clear because it doe not show up in doping tests.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
squish a boob,save a life

I have breast lump....not one ,2 but about 3 or so. Now it appears most women i know now have cyst,fibroid, lump etc but trust me i could do with none of those. A friend asked me once if i was dating would i tell the guy i had a lump.I said i won't except we were talking about something relating to it, we got serious, then maybe i would. I really don't think it's a big deal or something to declare upfront.Do you say "oh, by the way i have lumps in my boobs and dance around quite a lot...just thought you should know". Besides, i believe fervently in God's word that by His stripes we are healed. The day i had it checked out was quite funny.I had a group of medics peering at my boobs and asking if they could feel it.Trust me, the last thing on my mind was self consciousness.I remember saying in my mind "squeeze away as long as you tell me afterwards i don't have cancer"
This is breast cancer month, a month where there is a strong awareness of breast cancer and the need for self examination(please note..note self fondling). Please spare a few minutes and check yourself out.Early detection increases the chances of survival.
And by the way, my lumps are benign. Praise God for his healing hands.
Robbers or Traffic?
Funny thing happened last week.I was getting ready to leave my office to an appointment i had on the island when we heard gunshots.Apparently armed robbers had just attacked a bank near my office and were trying to get away so they opened fire to clear the roundabout which is usually a bottle neck. I looked out the window which faces the road and saw people taking off from their cars, the security personnel in my compound ran into the different offices and in a matter of seconds the road was like a deserted town.Now the silly part, instead of me to take cover like everyone else, i ran to my driver and said to him to get in the car for us to head out as the road had cleared.So while others were running for cover, i was running into the madness just to avoid traffic.
Can u blame me?I lose about 4 hours everyday in traffic and trust me i was more afraid of it at that point than any robbers.After all, i have been attacked 3 times this year although they were minor attacks and i lost nothing but the truth is i have now accepted robbery as a trade in Nigeria.I would never write negative stuff about i country i came back to contribute to but it's sad that this is going unchecked. My friend's sister was robbed and she was told were to go and pay a fine to get her items back..imagine. She got there and saw a room full of laptops, phone, watches, handbags etc all taken from people. They now asked her to come back the next day as the boys who operated the night before had not submitted their goods...true story.
So is that not a clear case of ......, let me not finish that.It sure makes no sense to me who did it and i know this is new behaviour. Where something that dangerous now becomes acceptable.God save us.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Mrs.Omokorede The Pushy Mum -Typical Naija mum
This cracks me up every time. I was speaking to my cousin yesterday and she is going through the same thing.Her folks want her to study pharmacy because she has an aunt in the states who did and is very wealthy whereas she wants to study computer engineering.The poor girl is distraught at the thought of doing a course she has no interest in.Why can't parents see the bigger picture and realise that there might be a calling on the child to study a particular course or tow a certain line? You can't teach a child to fly and tell them not to fly past your I know their wisdom must count for something but there has to be middle ground. I have been trying for years to get a painting into Tate gallery without success(yea right...and my mum is from Morocco.i can't draw to save my life) and Funmi does effortlessly and all her mum can say is she wants to go teach her how get over her fear of blood. My kids can be anything they want to be as long as they still buy me the Bentley and a pad like the one below.
Babangida's house-Is this for real?

If i had a home like this, i would never sit in here.It's just too.......grand. You know this belongs to a Nigerian ex president.God save us.That's where 70% of our oil money has gone. I bet no one uses this room. or you want to tell me someone actually sleeps on this bed at night.Lie lie lie....this is just for show..ends of.
i remember one time a few years ago i went to see a friend's brother in his pad at Uni.I have never seen a room so well kept and in sync. He asked me to sit on the bed as he had no chairs in the room and i was too scared to sit for fear of rumpling his sheet or getting anything out of place talk less of this room.I will just sit on the coach all night and stare.
Anyway, let me just keep looking and dreaming about owning a home like this one day through hard work and God's favour.Step one of faith...see it with the eye of faith. You know there is nothing wrong in craving wealth.It's just your motive that makes the difference.After all,God's own peops in the bible where blessed beyond measure.Solomon is still officially the richest man in the world till date.
Countdown to wedding
Like i keep telling her, the most important thing is that she's marrying the man she loves and at least she got to wear her dream dress.The whole train is red and it's got red trimmings all over....the look on her in-laws faces when they see the dress....priceless.I am getting me camcorder and camera set up just to catch that.Can't wait. Meanwhile, i am not quite sure i like my dress.It's supposed to be a show stopper but there's just something about it that's not quite warking for me like nana would say.Let's hope it's in my mind.It better be after the small fortune i spent on it. My consolation is that no be me dey marry so anyhow we go manage am..abi?
More gist when the wedding is done. Wish me luck so i don't trip and fall as i am so clumsy.