I have breast lump....not one ,2 but about 3 or so. Now it appears most women i know now have cyst,fibroid, lump etc but trust me i could do with none of those. A friend asked me once if i was dating would i tell the guy i had a lump.I said i won't except we were talking about something relating to it, we got serious, then maybe i would. I really don't think it's a big deal or something to declare upfront.Do you say "oh, by the way i have lumps in my boobs and dance around quite a lot...just thought you should know". Besides, i believe fervently in God's word that by His stripes we are healed. The day i had it checked out was quite funny.I had a group of medics peering at my boobs and asking if they could feel it.Trust me, the last thing on my mind was self consciousness.I remember saying in my mind "squeeze away as long as you tell me afterwards i don't have cancer"
This is breast cancer month, a month where there is a strong awareness of breast cancer and the need for self examination(please note..note self fondling). Please spare a few minutes and check yourself out.Early detection increases the chances of survival.
And by the way, my lumps are benign. Praise God for his healing hands.
girl d last thing ill do is pity u but i knw 4 sure dat i'll definately pray 4 u ok.
I would say have it checked out again.Just to be doubly sure and maybe you should consider removing it at some point.
nice piece, don't worry all is well, it's not a big deal, a good surgeon will cut them out. All the same, women squeeze your boobs more often and routinely.This is the earliest way to detect all these. Take care.
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